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Biography of Ernesto Argueta Ayes

Born in Juticalpa (1882) and died in Comayagüela (1962). He was a physician and politician. He completed his secondary studies in Belize and pursued higher education at the University of San Carlos de Borroneó. He served as a Deputy in the Constituent Assembly of 1908, Municipal Syndic of Tegucigalpa, and was the founder of the Departmental Development Board of Olancho (1915).

He was an Academician of the Scientific Literary Academy of Honduras (1917), Benefactor Member of the Society of Geography and History of Honduras (1932), a founding member of the Federal League of Guatemalan Students, and a founding member of the Central Unionist Committee (1917).

He served as Plenipotentiary Minister to the Central American International Office (1919) and as Minister to Guatemala and the United States of America (1929). He was a pre-candidate for the presidency by the Liberal Party (1932) and served as the Rector of the University of Honduras (1955-56).

His works include «Practical Ways to Effectively Manage Mandatory Contagious and Infectious Diseases» presented to the Supreme Council of Health (1907), an opinion on the Loan Contract (1912), Conference on Honduras (1930), «Manifesto to the Honduran People» (1931), «Origin and Evolution of the Health Sector in Honduras» (1951), «Annals of the University of Honduras, 1955/1956» (1957), «Olancho and Its Progress» (1915), and «Civic Conflict between Dictatorship and the People; My Contribution to the Liberation of Honduras» (1949).

Salatiel Rosales described him as follows: «He is a dreamer, a visionary, for he places above all else those abstractions that others perform or manipulate for dishonest or undisclosed purposes. Those attractions are right, freedom, and justice.»

He has always fought for them with great determination. He has disregarded personal gain and even been imprisoned for them. He has made his voice heard through newspapers and public platforms. We believe that he will continue to make selfless sacrifices for his country and Central America in the future. Honduras has every right to expect much from this enlightened son.

Dr. Argueta was born with that sacred favor of patriotism that we have seen in him since his early days.»

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