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Biography of Francisco Ferrera

He was born in Cantarranas, now San Juan de Flores (1794). He served as a sacristan, church musician, tailor, scribe, advisor to the mayor, and Municipal Mayor. He began his military career in 1827 when he presented proof to the Guatemalan troops sent by the Federal Government of Arce. He fought in the siege of Comayagua, supporting Morazán, and participated in the battle of Gualcho, defeating Vicente Domínguez in Tercales and La Ofrecedera. He was elected Chief of State on January 1, 1841, a date that, in the opinion of Víctor Cáceres Lara, «marked the transition from federalism to unitary government in Honduras.»

His ideological-political conversion led to increasing conservatism, making him an implacable enemy of the Liberal cause. Although he was defeated by Morazán in the actions of Espíritu Santo and San Pedro Perulapán in 1839, he managed to avoid total annihilation, and with the execution of Morazán in 1842, the conservative reaction was consolidated, governing our country for most of the period between that date and 1876.

In 1847, he was elected again as the head of the Executive, but he resigned and placed Juan Lindo in power. However, with political skill, Lindo managed to make him leave the country, and he went to El Salvador, where he died in Chalatenango in 1851. Ramón Rosa expressed about him: «He was great, and great in his crimes, an implacable destroyer of the Central American Republic. Ferrera had the rare gift of politicians who know how to retire in time. He acted as a military man and politician, but also as a ruthless tyrant; he sowed terror. Ferrera did well in maintaining the dignity of his position and the decorum of the nation with firmness.

He was guilty because of the severity and barbarism of his methods, and victorious because he was cruel and relentless against defenseless enemies. His faults were enormous because he usually didn’t deliver justice, he sought revenge. But on the other hand, he didn’t allow Honduras to become, as in later times, a favorite place for joyful military excursions that produced devastation, promotions, and accolades. The great, enormous, and inexcusable crime committed by Ferrera was becoming an avowed enemy, the main destroyer of Central America.»

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