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National Anthem of Honduras (lyrics and music in short version)

National Anthem of Honduras (words and music in short version)

The National Anthem of Honduras is an extraordinary poetic and musical composition that chronologically narrates the country’s main historical events from the pre-Columbian period to the proclamation of Independence in 1821.

The lyrics of the National Anthem of Honduras were written by the Honduran poet Augusto C. Coello, with the musical arrangement by the German maestro Carlos Hartling, and the official argument and explanation were written by Lic. Gualberto Cantarero Palacios.


Your flag is a splendor of sky
crossed by a block of snow;
and on its sacred background
five pale blue stars are seen;
in your emblem, which a boisterous sea
with its wild waves shields,
behind the bare summit of a volcano
there is a brightly shining star.

Seventh Verse (VII)

To protect that divine emblem
we will march, oh country, to death;
our fate will be generous
if we die thinking of your love.
Defending your holy flag,
and covered in your glorious folds,
many will be your dead, Honduras,
but they will all fall with honor.

VIDEO: National Anthem of Honduras (lyrics and music in short version)

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