Flora in Honduras

The flora of Honduras is very varied, the rain forest or rainforest, also classified as Tropical Rain Forest, is one of the most impressive as a plant formation; ecologists call it “Megathermal Hygrophilic Formation”, as it corresponds to regions of high humidity and constant high temperatures. In which there is a single dominant species, such as pines or firs, covering large areas.
The eastern part of the country “La Mosquitia”. There is a great abundance of climbing plants or vines, such as lianas. Great variety of epiphytes, the most striking being the orchids.
Due to their adaptation to ambient humidity, the trees are huge and do not have deep roots, which are supported by large buttresses or spurs, while the leaves are many and large. The trunks of the trees are straight and smooth and their first branches are born high above the ground.
The Rainforest of Honduras corresponds to the northern region below 600 meters of elevation; there is no completely defined dry season and it covers 29% of the total surface of the country.
Among the most typical plant species of this biogeographic region are: Royal cedar (Cedrela mexicana), Common Cedar (Cedrela odorata), mahogany (Swetonia mahogoni L.), Maria tree (Calophyllum brasiliense), Cortés (Tabebuia guayacan), ”Espavel” or Mijao (Anacardium excelsum), guayabo (Guayabón) or (Tarminalia amazonia), and many others.
There are numerous palm trees near the coasts, the fruit is tropical and the flowers of all colors. It is very common to find textile plants such as cotton or pacaya. There are also a great variety of medicinal plants such as chicory, apazote and Tolu Balsam. They are used as trees producing rubber (Ficus elastica) and resin, hawthorn and palmacristi (Ricinus communis).