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Biography of Andrés Víctor Artiles

Born in Juticalpa (1925). He was a labor leader. In his youth, he worked in La Ceiba with the Standard Fruit Co., participating in the strike of 1954. He was part of the arbitration committee and later joined the Executive Committee of the Union of that fruit company.

In 1966, he served as a delegate of the Northern Honduras Federation of Trade Unions (FESITRANH), eventually becoming the Secretary-General of the Confederation of Workers of Honduras (CTH), a position he held for eight terms until October 1989.

The CTH was founded in 1964 and has a social democratic orientation. It is affiliated with the Central American Federation of Trade Unions (CTCA) at the regional level, the Inter-American Regional Organization of Workers (ORIT) at the Latin American level, and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (CIOSL) at the global level.

The CTH includes member organizations such as FESITRANH, the National Association of Honduran Farmers (ANACH), and the Central Federation of Free Trade Unions of Honduras (FECESITLIH), among others.

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