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Biography of Miguel Antonio Alvarado Ordoñez

He was born in Juticalpa (1895) and died in Tegucigalpa (1977). He graduated as a teacher from the Normal School for Men in 1919, and later moved to Guatemala where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Law in 1933.

He went to France where he pursued higher studies at the University of Montpellier; he also specialized in Colombia and Chile. He received the National Science Award José C. del Valle in 1975.

He was a professor of Law at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala for 18 years. He also served as a judge in that country. He was the Vice-President of the Council of State during the presidency of Julio Lozano, where he drafted a project for the Political Constitution. He studied our border issues with El Salvador and served on the Territorial Studies Commission.

He was the Director of the Honduran Forum Magazine, the spokesperson for the Bar Association.

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