Honduras now has a Film Law

The Honduran film industry already has its own law, regulations promoted by the president Juan Orlando Hernández.
Hernández gave Honduran filmmakers the Honduran Cinematography Law published in the Official Gazette La Gaceta after it was approved by the National Congress at the proposal of the president.
“We are the first country in Central America with a film law. “We are making history,” highlighted Hernández.
The law has a character associated with the cultural heritage of the Republic of Honduras and the formation of collective identity; Cinematographic and audiovisual activity is of national interest.
The purpose of this initiative is to develop this industry, including all its sectors and activities to establish the conditions of participation, competitiveness and protection for national cinematography, without prejudice to the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Law. and the international treaties and conventions signed and ratified by Honduras.

Benefits of the Law
The law has a fund of 40 million lempiras focused mainly on training, promotion and specific projects.
The president explained that 100 percent of the Income Tax (ISR) tax incentive is established for natural or legal persons for feature film projects with a limit of $100,000 for large taxpayers and $50,000 for small and medium-sized taxpayers.< /p>
Likewise, 100 percent of the ISR tax incentive to legal entities for series projects with a limit equivalent to 100 minimum salaries for large taxpayers and 50 for small and medium-sized taxpayers.
He added that for international productions carried out in the country there will be exemption from taxes generated in the acquisition of goods and services acquired in Honduras that are necessary for the work.
“To receive these benefits, international productions must have at least 30 percent national labor and be filmed in national territory in a minimum of 30 percent in accordance with international standards,” said Hernández. .
The head of the Executive indicated that this initiative encourages various sectors of the economy to invest in the production and representation of national films.
“This law facilitates and supports the brave entrepreneurs in the sector who generate investment and employment for Honduras,” he noted.
Making history
The president stated that cinema activates the economy like few other industries, as it generates jobs, attracts foreign currency and encourages tourism.
He expressed that national production can generate from 15 to 100 direct jobs and is multiplied up to five times in indirect jobs.
“When a movie is successful, the towns in the country where they were recorded become tourist spots; That is why this law is very interesting for all municipalities,” he noted.
He said that 4.2 million spectators attended local cinemas in 2018 and that “we are one of the countries in the region that consumes the most cinema, but, nevertheless, only 3.5 percent of the box office came from production. national. Improving those figures is the task.”
Hernández said that the law allows them to be part of the cultural concert of nations through the seventh art, since they can work together with other countries that already have a cinematographic tradition, such as Spain, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, France, the United States, Germany and Mexico, among others.
“This law leads us to take a step so desired by our filmmakers, which is the signing with Ibermedia, which will take place on January 20, 2020. This agreement will allow us to have important ties with France, Argentina, Colombia, Germany and other countries,” he announced.
He added that the film law is a contribution from the State for the development of a legal framework for a national film industry that contributes to the strengthening of the dissemination of “our national identity and our culture.”
Second contest
Hernández also announced that the second national Honduras Positiva film competition, Bicentennial edition, will be held.
“As you know, in 2021 we celebrate 200 years of independence and we are going to celebrate it in style and as the country deserves,” he said.
He recalled that the Honduras Positiva film competition in its first edition was a success, so much so that some of the works were not only awarded at that festival, but have also been recognized abroad. p>
“Today that we already have the Cinematography Law, we will promote a new contest that encourages the creativity of filmmakers to tell those stories of what these 200 years of independence mean,” Hernández pointed out.
He announced that very soon the participants will find the rules on the website www.concursonacionaldecinehn.com p>
National Industry Council
The head of State also announced the integration of the first National Council of the Film Industry of Honduras, made up of Antonio Rock, José María Agurcia, Epaminondas Marinakys, Miguel Caballero Leiva, Alejandro Irías, Raúl Agüero and the Minister Commissioner for Compliance Presidential Affairs, Marco Midence.