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Tourism in the Punta Izopo National Park

Located at the eastern end of the Bahía de Tela, just 12 km from the city, this national park gets its name from the hill (Cerro Izopo) that is right on the sea.

The lush vegetation of the hill, bathed by the Ríos Plátano and Jicaque, is home to a great variety of animals, among which tropical birds such as parakeets, parrots, and toucans, as well as monkeys, lizards, and turtles, stand out.

The channels that are formed in the mangroves are accessible by paddle canoes (kayaks), which allows you to enter the refuge stealthily so as not to disturb the animals and at the same time get as close as possible to them.

This tour also allows you to visit the Garífuna village of Triunfo de la Cruz, the point where Cristóbal de Olid landed following the orders received from Hernán Cortés to begin the conquest of Honduras. Garífuna Tours offers excursions to the Río Plátano, located in the heart of the Punta Izopo National Park.

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