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Biography of Miguel Eusebio Bustamante

Miguel Eusebio Bustamante Lardizábal, was born in San Antonio de Flores in 1780, and died on April 5, 1869 in Tegucigalpa. He was a conservative-leaning politician and Head of State of Honduras from October 24 to October 30, 1827 and Provisional President from February 12 to 14, 1850.


His parents were Jacinto Bustamante and Josefa Lardizábal Sobrado. Being from a wealthy family and from the bourgeoisie, he studied Law at the San Carlos de Borromeo University in Guatemala. His wife was María Ambrosía Garín Zepeda, although according to Leticia de Oyuela his wife was María Escolástica Herrera Herrera.

Political career

Mayor and Deputy

Before occupying the presidency of Honduras, he held different political positions:

  • 1812: Mayor of Tegucigalpa.
  • 1820 – 1821: Substitute Provincial Deputy for Tegucigalpa.
  • 1830: Deputy to the Legislative Assembly.

He signed the accession to the Act of Independence in the mayor’s office of Tegucigalpa, on September 28, 1821.

Head of state

On May 10, 1827 after Colonel José Justo Milla Pineda invaded Honduras and overthrew the government of Dionisio de Herrera; Milla assumes the head of state, calling elections and obtaining the results in his favor, in which Mr. Juan Lindo was appointed as President of Congress and Anacleto Bendaña as Head of State and Miguel Eusebio Bustamante as Vice Chief, who would later assume the leadership between September 30 and October 30, 1827.

Next and after the defeat of Justo Milla in November 1827 in the Battle of La Trinidad, at the hands of General Francisco Morazán, the Chieftainship was reverted to José Jerónimo Zelaya Fiallos; when he was supposed to hand it over to Morazán and his patriotic hosts.

Interim presidency

In 1850 an armed uprising took place in Comayagua, capital of Honduras, at the hands of General José Santos Guardiola against the presidency of Mr. Juan Lindo and the Legislative Assembly. It is when the military forces stationed in Tegucigalpa, appoint Miguel Eusebio Bustamante as provisional President or by deposit, while the Vice Chief Mr. Felipe Bustillo assumes the title as President according to the current constitution.

On March 25, 1850, the «Pact of Pespire» was celebrated, which put an end to the normalization of the political situation in the country and the conservative General Francisco Ferrera and General Coronado Chávez were exiled to El Salvador.

See Also

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