July 20 – Lempira Day
In Honduras, the life and death of the lord of the sierra, cacique Lempira, who fought to defend his people from Spanish domination, is celebrated every July 20 in 1536.
The cacique Lempira is one of the heroes of Honduras and is considered a national hero, as well as an example of the fight against foreign occupation.
To honor his example the national currency was named after him, as well as the departament of Lempira, where it comes from.

Commemoration of Lempira Day
Every July 20, the children of the educational centers of the country carry out dramatizations of the fight of this first great national hero, to remember his fight for the national territory.
Children dress up as the Lempira Indian using artificial feathers representative of the Scarlet Macaw, the national bird of Honduras, as well as corduroy suits representative of the Lenca ethnic group, to which the national hero belonged.
There is also a contest to choose India Bonita, where school-level girls choose between grades one of them as the Indian Bonita of the school.