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Mother’s Day in Honduras

Mother’s Day in Honduras is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of May. A very special day where the Honduran population shows its appreciation and affection to Honduran mothers.

In schools, children make crafts to give to their mothers, where they are also taught the Hymn to the Honduran Mother.

Decree of creation of «Mother’s Day»

Decree Number 32


CONSIDERING: That it is the duty of the State to sponsor any initiative that tends to stimulate the moralizing sentiment that the Honduran woman is showing:

CONSIDERING: That the institution of «MOTHER’S DAY» throughout the Republic, will bring healthy consequences of estimable moral value, because the time that must be devoted to it, will invariably strengthen the ties of the Honduran people:

THEREFORE: and in use of the power conferred by Article 92, Fifth Attribution of the Political Constitution,


Article 1 In Honduras the «MOTHER’S DAY» is instituted, whose official celebration will take place on the second Sunday of May each year.

Article 2 The Executive Power is authorized to make the necessary regulations for the greater solemnity of the DAY instituted here.

Article 3 This Decree will take effect from the day of its promulgation.

Given in Tegucigalpa, in the Hall of Sessions, on the twenty-fourth day of the month of January nineteen twenty-seven.

Tiburcio Carías, President
Antonio C. Rivera, Secretary.
J. Albir, Secretary.

To the Executive Power. – Therefore Execute.

Tegucigalpa, January 25, 1927.

Secretary of State in the Departments of Governance, Justice and Health.

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