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October 27 – Honduran Doctor’s Day

October 27th is commemorated as Honduran Doctor’s Day, a day to pay tribute to the work carried out by medical professionals who hold the power to save lives.

The date was established in honor of the creation of the Honduran Medical Association, which took place on October 27th, 1962, during the seventh National Assembly of the «Honduran Medical Union».

This motion was presented on July 11th, 1972, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the creation of the Honduran Medical Association, by doctors Carlos Godoy Arteaga and Jacobo Santos Alvarado, president and secretary of the board at that time.

The objective is to «highlight before the national conscience the practice of Medicine and to give recognition to the doctors who have carried out the profession with honesty, strict adherence to ethics, respect for the Law of Mandatory Professional Collegiation, and a high spirit of service to the community.»

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