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Municipality of Guarita

Guarita is a municipality in the department of Lempira in Honduras.

Access to this town is via Santa Rosa de Copán – San Marcos de Ocotepeque – Cololaca – Guarita. This journey takes approximately 2.5 hours but is much more comfortable than going through the city of Gracias.

What separates this municipality from San Juan Guarita is only half a hill, and from afar, they seem to be the same city. The road is in good condition for most of the year.

Since 2016, the access from San Marcos de Ocotepeque has been through a paved road, with only 5.3 km remaining unpaved.


In the population census of 1791, Guarita was one of the towns that formed the curato of Sensenti. The land title for the municipality was granted on November 20, 1795. Decree No. 91 of March 20, 1934, granted it the title of a city.
Guarita was founded between the years 1760 and 1772, according to information collected from native people of this place, either through written documents or oral accounts. Until now, there is no exact version, as its settlement was initially in a location called «PUEBLO VIEJO,» but due to water scarcity and the distance between that place and suitable areas for agricultural work, the inhabitants chose to move to the current location of Guarita.

The first primary school was founded in the municipal center and attended by three Guatemalan nuns. They taught mathematics, literacy, cooking, and manual arts, from the simplest stitches to high-relief embroidery.

The population of the municipality is around 8,500 inhabitants, with 25 villages. Its territorial extension is 171.4 km², and the average lifespan ranges from 30 to 70 years. Its main heritage is the cultivation of basic grains and livestock farming.


It is nestled in the middle of a mountain. Its surroundings are covered with pine and oak trees. The mountains and hills surrounding it are very steep, and the road winds through deep and dangerous cliffs. Due to deforestation, the climate of Guarita has changed from temperate to increasingly hot.


The municipality of Guarita is bordered to the north by the municipalities of Cololaca and San Sebastián, to the south by the Republic of El Salvador, to the east by the municipalities of Tambla and San Juan Guarita, and to the west by the municipality of Cololaca and the Republic of El Salvador.

  • Territorial extension: 172 km²


Due to its elevation above sea level, its surroundings are very suitable for coffee cultivation. The exploitation of forest resources is also an important economic activity. The cultivation of corn and beans is common in the area. Guarita also has access to electricity and fixed and mobile communication services.
Due to its proximity to San Marcos de Ocotepeque, trade in various essential products is common. There is at least one bus that travels to San Marcos Ocotepeque once a day, staying overnight in the city of Guarita.


Mestizos form the majority in Guarita. There is a significant percentage of people with fair skin, but they are of mixed ancestry.

  • Population: In 2001, the population was 7,964. According to projections by the INE, it is estimated to reach approximately 8,500 in 2008.
  • Villages: 25
  • Hamlets: 58


In Guarita, there is the «David Hércules Navarro» Community Technical Institute, which offers Technical Basic Cycle with options in Woodwork, Metal Structures, and Home Economics, as well as a three-year Agricultural Sciences Bachelor’s degree.
As an innovation in secondary education, the Tutorial Learning System (SAT) has been incorporated in the villages of San Pablo and Chinquín, municipality of Guarita, and Canguacota, municipality of Cololaca Lempira. The modalities offered are Common Cycle Promoter in Rural Well-being and Practical Bachelor’s degree in Rural Well-being, which are legally recognized by all universities in the country. For more information, visit our website


Guarita has a rich history as it has been part of the first administrative elements of colonization. It was part of the «Curato» of Sensenti and the district and head of several other municipalities that emerged over time. Its architecture is simple and colonial.
If you want to enjoy the tranquility offered by remote areas, Guarita is a very suitable place, as despite being a city, it still has many typical rural characteristics. There are two establishments with internet access, with one of them located in the City Hall.

There is a significant influence from Salvadoran television and radio networks. The local cable system includes Honduran, Central American, and some international TV channels.

Patronal fair: From January 7 to 15, the Catholic faithful celebrate the Patron Saint El Cristo Negro de Esquipulas, as the parish is named Cristo Redentor.

Recently, a hotel called «Casa Grande» and a small restaurant called «Las Guaras» were inaugurated, offering a tranquil stay in contact with nature.

Another popular tourist spot in the village of Terlaca, Guarita, is the karaoke bar «El Trovador,» owned by Prof. Marcelino Márquez. In addition to the natural and welcoming atmosphere of a restaurant, visitors can enjoy live music and visit the famous catacombs, where they can find some of our history, notable figures from the municipality, and a small museum.

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