Health Regions of Honduras (Map)

The Honduran Health System is administered by the Ministry of Health through 20 Health Regions; 18 of them are departmental and 2 are metropolitan, located in Tegucigalpa (capital) and San Pedro Sula, the largest cities in Honduras.
Click here if you want to see the Map of Geographical Regions of Honduras
Honduras has 31 public hospitals, 31 private hospitals, around 250 Health Centers with Dental Doctors (CESAMO), approximately 1,058 Rural Health Centers (CESAR) and the Honduran Social Security Institute (IHSS).
Regional Chief in Charge
Each region has a Chief in Charge Regional, which is the management body with the highest authority in the Health Region, and is therefore directly responsible for its management and the fulfillment of all the functions carried out therein.
Leads and promotes the implementation of institutional health policies, strategies, plans and projects in the geographic area of its competence, manages the optimal use of resources and the population’s access to health services.
Departmental Health Regions
Health Region 1
Department of Atlántida
Phones: 2441-1697/1723 Fax: 2441-1695
Health Region 2
Department of Colón
Phones: 2444-3603 Fax: 2444-1508
Health Region 3
Department of Comayagua
Phones: 2772-0137/1883 Fax: 2772-0137
Sanitary Region 4
Department of Copán
Phones: 2662-0093 Fax: 2662-0095
Sanitary Region 5
Department of Cortés
Phones: 2566-0835 Fax: 2566-0835
Sanitary Region 6
Department of Choluteca
Phones: 2782-0241 Fax: 2782-0241
Sanitary Region 7
Department of El Paraíso
Phones: 2763-3379 Fax: 2763-3379
Sanitary Region 8
Department of Francisco Morazán
Phones: 2236-7157 Fax: 2236-7157
Sanitary Region 9
Department of Gracias a Díos
Phones: 2433-6075 Fax: 2433-6075
Sanitary Region 10
Department of Intibucá
Phones: 2783-0046 Fax: 2783-0046
Sanitary Region 11
Department of Islas de la Bahía
Phones: 2445-1227/14 99 Fax: 2445-1227
Sanitary Region 12
Department of La Paz
Phones: 2774-2723 Fax: 2774-2723
Sanitary Region 13
Department of Lempira
Phone: 9710-3774 Fax: 2656-1095
Sanitary Region 14
Department of Ocotepeque
Phones: 2653-3315 Fax: 2553-3315
Sanitary Region 15
Olancho Department
Phones: 2785-2644 Fax: 2785-2644
Sanitary Region 16
Santa Barbara Department
Barrio Abajo In front of Texaco Gas Station, Santa Barbara Hospital facilities, Santa Barbara | Phones: 2643-2720 Fax: 2643-2722
Sanitary Region 17
Valle Department
Phones: 2795-4049 Fax: 2795-4049
Sanitary Region 18
Yoro Department
Phones: 2671-2254 Fax: 2671-2999
Metropolitan Health Regions
Metropolitan Region Tegucigalpa (19) 0801
Central District, Tegucigalpa
Phone: 2232-6443 Fax: 2232-6443
San Pedro Sula Metropolitan Region (20) 0501
San Pedro Sula, Cortes
Telefax: 2557-62-69

- See Geography of Honduras
- See Geographic Regions of Honduras
- See Geographical Regions of Coffee in Honduras