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Map of Ethnic Groups and Indigenous Groups in Honduras

Mapa de las Etnias y Grupos Indígenas en Honduras

In the Center, South and East, there are the Lenca Peoples (Intibuca, Lempira, La Paz, Santa Barbara, Comayagua Francisco Morazán and valley), Pech (Olancho, Colon and Gracias a Dios).

On the Atlantic Coast there are the English-speaking Blacks and Garifunas (Cortes, Atlántida, Colon, Gracias a Dios and the Bay Islands), the Miskitos (Gracias a Dios), the Nahuas (Olancho), Tawahkas (Gracias a Dios and Olancho). The Pech in Olancho.

In the border area with Guatemala, the Chortí (Copán and Ocotepeque), and the Tolupanes in Yoro and the North of Francisco Morazán.

In the 90s, the State of Honduras granted land titles for 3,200 hectares in favor of the Garifuna communities of the departments of Cortés, Atlántida, the Bay Islands, Colon and Gracias a Dios.


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