Honduras continues without appointing consuls in the United States

Currently only 2 of 14 Consulates in the United States have a consul appointed by the government of President Xiomara Castro.
In the Chancellery of the Republic they attribute the problem to the change of personnel -to designate diplomats of the government’s affinity- although several representatives abroad will only change places to have a career position.

The consulates of North Carolina and Dallas are the only ones with their holder, so far.
Deputy Foreign Minister Antonio García expressed that they are in the process of obtaining the funds to repatriate the outgoing diplomats together with their families.
“The cost of a household item plus the family tickets is thousands of dollars depending on the number of the family and where they are, we are receiving money to repatriate them and that has been one of the delays in consular movements” , he asserted.
To have a full consular staff in the US, it will take two months, Garcia added. «The president has taken her time to send competent people, in two months we will be with the consuls and all the full staff installed and working,» she said.
“We are moving the outgoing staff and those who have been dismissed from their posts,” he added.
Hondurans warn of a crisis due to the lack of appointments of consuls in the US
According to the coordinator of the Fundación 15 de Septiembre, Juan Flores, most US consulates do not have a consul appointed by this new government.
In that sense, he said in a conversation with Proceso Digital that the authorities must speed up the appointments of the consuls so that there is a more coordinated work and not this headless one.
He indicated that to date no consul has been appointed, «there is an appointment of the son of Enrique Flores Lanza to the Consulate of North Carolina, but it has not come into operation in his position, other consulates are under the command of the vice-consuls and others that continue with the same ones of the past administration”.
He pointed out that the government has not been transparent on the issues of migrants, «so we believe that migrants are not interested in this government.»
He denounced that a forum on education and migration was held, the authorities of the Foreign Ministry were invited, but they did not send anyone, while the authorities of the US government did send representatives to address the issues and problems that arise.
For this reason, he said that in seven months of government what is coming is a crisis because they are alone facing the problems of migrants.