Macaw Mountain Bird Park and Nature Preserve

The Macaw Mountain Bird Park and Nature Reserve is a rescue, recovery and reintroduction center, especially focused on birds of the Psittacine family.
Its program for the conservation of these precious birds includes the recovery of captive birds, their subsequent release or conservation within the park’s facilities and their social work of education.
See also the Red Guara or Red Macaw – National Bird of Honduras
It is located in the municipality of Copán Ruinas, 2 kilometers away from the Archaeological Park, on the road that goes to Agua Caliente. The Nature Reserve was founded by the American Lloyd Davidson in 2001, and originally began in Roatán.
Macaw Mountain for its altruistic work towards our national fauna has become a national and international reference, where tourists from all over the world and the country share with these magnificent and sociable birds. Once a year the release of birds that have been born or have recovered in the park is carried out.
Guacamaya Festival
For the second year in 2018, the » II Guacamaya Fest » festival was held , as part of a strategy to promote conservation and bird tourism in the area, the mayors of Copán Ruinas, Santa Rita, San Jerónimo and Cabañas, municipalities that belong to the Mancomunidad de la Ruta Maya (Mancorsaric), signed an agreement to declare the municipality of Copán Ruinas the Sacred Valley of the Red Macaw .
The festival was held on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 June 2018 with concerts, exhibitions, afternoons of coffee and cocoa, art, all focused on the national bird of Honduras, the Red Macaw.
The day also had the support of the National Chamber of Tourism of Honduras (Canaturh) and the Honduran Institute of Tourism , which join the project to commemorate in style the day dedicated to the Red Macaw.
The main objective of the public-private strategy of Marca País , sponsor of the festival, is to promote the benefits of Honduras, from tourism, exports and investments, all framed in national pride.
- Macaw Mountain Bird Park and Nature Preserve
- Collins Spanish Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
- Honduran Association of Ornithology (ASHO)