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Municipality of Cucuyagua

Cucuyagua is a municipality in the department of Copán in Honduras.

The name Cucuyagua derives from the word «Cocollagua,» which has been transformed into «Cucuyagua.» It is derived from the term Cocolhuacan, which means «Place that has businesses or disputes.»

Historical Data

It is believed to have been established around 1750. In the population census of 1791, it appeared as a town within the Curato of Sensenti, and in the 1889 Division, it was already listed as a District.


The municipality borders the municipality of Santa Rosa de Copán to the north, San Pedro to the south, Las Flores and Talgua to the east, and La Unión to the west. It is situated to the east of the valley that bears its name and along the Alax or Cucuyagua River.


  • Cartagua
  • El Barbasco
  • El Níspero
  • El Tránsito
  • Gualtaya
  • Ojos de Agua
  • San José de las Palmas
  • El Portillo
  • Planes abajo
  • Planes arriba
  • Yaroconta
  • El metal
  • Ajagual
  • Lomitas
  • Balsamo
  • Capuquitas


The main economic activity in the municipality is the cultivation of coffee, with various species and qualities grown in plantations and processing sites in the surrounding villages. Livestock farming and basic agricultural products also play a significant role, including tobacco cultivation and the cultivation of fruits such as oranges, mangoes, and pineapples, among others.


The city has a Health Center, an office of Hondutel providing telephone and internet access, a Peace Court, technical and secondary education institutes, primary schools, a shopping center, gas stations, recreational and sports areas, a local cable television channel, and accommodations.

  • Headquarters of the 7th Infantry Battalion of the Honduran Armed Forces
  • Local office of the Honduran National Police

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