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Municipality of Jacaleapa

It is a municipality in the Department of El Paraíso, in the Republic of Honduras.

The first person to settle in this place was Don Simeón Díaz, who had a hacienda called Jalalá.

In the population census of 1801, it was listed with the name Xacaleapa, as part of the jurisdiction of Danlí. In 1869, when the department of El Paraíso was created, it became one of the municipalities in the district of Danlí, already with its current name.

General Information about Jacaleapa

Origin of its name: The name is attributed to a river that borders the town. It means «in the water of the huts» in Mesoamerican language.

  • Territorial area: 122.75 km2
  • Population: 4,114 inhabitants (2012)
  • Date of creation: 1869
  • Patron saint fair: February 2, feast day of Candelaria.
  • Villages and hamlets: 2 villages and 10 hamlets.
  • Altitude: 815 meters above sea level.

Main Economic Activity

Cultivation of basic grains, coffee, sugarcane, and vegetables; breeding of cattle, horses, and pigs; poultry farming.


  • Health: 1 CESAR (Rural Health Care Center).
  • Education: 5 primary schools, 5 kindergartens, and 1 secondary school.
  • Transportation: Buses that cover the route from Tegucigalpa to Danlí.
  • Communication network: Paved road, Hondutel telephone service, and mobile phone coverage.


Situated in a small valley of the same name, with its municipal seat crossed by the Azul River.


  • North: municipalities of Teupasenti and Morocelí;
  • South: municipality of San Matías;
  • East: municipality of Danlí;
  • West: municipalities of Potrerillos and Yuscarán.

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