Biography of Froylan Turcios

José Froylán de Jesús Turcios Canelas was born in the city of Juticalpa, Olancho, Honduras, on July 7, 1875 and died in San José, Costa Rica, on November 19, 1943.
His parents were Mr. Froylán Turcios and Mrs. Trinidad Canelas. His brothers were: Alfonso, Delia, Gustavo, Luis and Mercedes Turcios Canelas
He was a Honduran poet, narrator, editor, anthologist and journalist, he is considered one of the most important Honduran intellectuals of the early 20th century.
Laboral life
Froylán Turcios was a renowned writer, and in the political field he was appointed Minister of the Interior, elected deputy to the National Congress and later a Honduran delegate to the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. As a journalist, he directed the newspaper El Tiempo in the capital city of Tegucigalpa and founded the magazines El Tiempo de Tegucigalpa, El Pensamiento (1894), Revista Nueva (1902), Arte y Letras (1903), and Esfinge (1905), among others.
Once settled in the Republic of Guatemala, he edited the newspapers El Tiempo (1904) and El Domingo (1908) upon his return to his homeland Honduras, he directed the newspapers El Heraldo (1909), El Nuevo Tiempo (1911) and Boletín de la Defensa National (1924); in 1925 he founded the «Ariel Magazine».
Imbued with the Americanist struggles, he was the private secretary of the patriotic guerrilla fighter Augusto César Sandino in the Republic of Nicaragua, and on a literary level he was a friend of Rubén Darío, Juan Ramón Molina and numerous figures of universal thought. He carried out an iron work of national defense, sometimes he did not agree with the policy implemented by the United States of America and other countries in the Central American region and the Antilles.
Froylan Turcios the writer
Froylan Turcios was a storyteller with fine precious features, leaning towards violent themes. He initiated the short story genre in Honduras in the 20th century. In addition to cultivating precious poetry, he crafted his stories as stylistic watermarks. His prose texts, influenced by the Italian Gabriele D’Annunzio, are characterized by the expertise in the plot, the exact and at the same time ornamental value of the words and the unexpected or shocking endings that later marked a good part of the genre. in Latin America.
In 1910 he published the novel The Vampire , whose theme revolves around death and has a modernist style, which is why reality is not directly reflected in the work. The following year he published another shorter novel called The White Ghost . Among his volumes of poetry and short stories are, among others
Froylan Turcios wrote » The Honduran Prayer » feeling inspired by the people and landscape of his native Honduras. «The Prayer of the Honduran» appears in his Book «Pages of Yesterday» (Paris, France, 1932).
- The Prayer of the Honduran
- Mariposas (1895),
- Renglones (1899),
- Hojas de otoño (1905),
- Prosas nuevas (1914),
- Floresta sonora (1915),
- Cuentos del amor y de la muerte (1930),
- Páginas de ayer (1932), y
- Cuentos completos (1995).
- First Love
- Fundador de la revista El Tiempo de Tegucigalpa y El Pensamiento (1894)
- Fundador de la Revista Nueva (1902)
- Fundador de Arte y Letras (1903)
- Editor de periódico El Tiempo en Guatemala (1904)
- Fundador de Esfinge (1905)
- Editor de periódico El Domingo (1908)
- Dirigió el periódico El Heraldo (1909)
- Dirigió el periódico El Nuevo Tiempo (1911)
- Dirigió el boletín de la Defensa Nacional (1924)
- Fundador de la revista Ariel (1925)
- Martínez, José Francisco. ”Literatura hondureña y su proceso generacional.” Ediciones Nueva Universidad, Número 28 de Colección Letras hondureñas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Editorial Universitaria. 1987.
- Mejía, M. «Froylan Turcios en los campos de la estética y el civismo». Editorial Universitaria. Tegucigalpa, M.D.C. Honduras, 1980.