September 29 – Tegucigalpa Anniversary
September 29, 1578 is recognized as the day that marks the foundation of Tegucigalpa under the name of Real Minas de la Villa de San Miguel de Heredia de Tegucigalpa.
The city was founded by a group of Spaniards who settled down to exploit veins of silver. And in 1821 it was elevated to the rank of city.
Three centuries later, on October 30, 1880, it became the country’s capital when the then president Marco Aurelio Soto moved the country’s capital from the city of Comayagua.
Tegucigalpa, according to the same sources, means «silver hill» and was baptized with that name due to the wealth of that mineral in the area.
The first settlers nestled their homes between the hills separated by ravines, streams and rivers, especially the mighty Rio Grande, which meanders through the very center of the city, today totally polluted.
Since 1937, together with neighboring Comayagüela, it forms the municipality of the Central District, which is constitutionally the capital of the country.
For this day religious, artistic and cultural events are held in honor of the capital.