How to fold the National Flag of Honduras?

Time needed: 10 minutes.
The National Pavilion, being the official representation and flag of our country, deserves due respect and consideration.
Learn how to fold the National Flag of Honduras in official events, parades, commemorations and others according to Article No. 154contained in the Manual for the Operation of Ceremonial and Protocol of the National Police of Honduras.
This honor must be performed between 2 people.

Article 154 – How to fold the National Flag
To fold the National Flag, it will be extended horizontally, ensuring that it does not present any foreign appearance or body. A centrally located element will hold it on its outstretched arms. Next, one blue stripe is folded over the white one at the top and the other is folded at the bottom, in such a way that the white one is covered on both sides, then it is folded lengthwise, in half, then it is folded in a triangular shape along both ends, until ending in the center in a triangle that is finally taken by the guard on his crossed arms in such a way that the base of the triangle is towards his body and the vertex on both hands.
Step 1 – The Flag must be extended
The Flag must be fully extended with the help of another person.

Step 2 – Fold the top blue stripe
The upper blue stripe will be folded longitudinally on the reverse (backwards) of the white stripe of the Flag.

Step 3 – Then the white stripe is folded on the front of the Flag.
Fold the white stripe so that the stars are protected by the lower blue stripe.

Step 4 – Fold crosswise in half
It is folded transversely in half, carrying the extension and fold in the same way from left to right and vice versa.

Step 5 – Finally it is folded diagonally towards the final shape

- National Flag of Honduras – Flag and national symbol
- Protocol and Use of the National Flag of Honduras
- Song to the Flag