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Municipality of Ajuterique

Ajuterique is a municipality in the department of Comayagua in Honduras.

The town of Santiago de Axuterique was a cement factory that was granted to Captain Marcos de Reyna in 1550, based on a league from the Cathedral of Comayagua. The authorization for the sale was made by the General Captaincy and the Cathedral, entrusting Dean Josef Calderón de la Barca to carry out the measurement starting from the place known by the indigenous people as Ol om xi ka (oloncica), including the sites of: Put^unin ho, Xika guare, kan xe, Kel epha, kal pul, Kain guala, etc., and it would be placed under the protection of the patron saint Santiago, with the encomendero being Friar Francisco de Cañaveral.

On January 30, 1693, the general captaincy resolved the sale of five and a half caballerías to its 51 tributaries for the sum of eighty tostones per caballería. In 1774, the church was destroyed by an earthquake. In 1800, it was recognized as a subsidiary of the Cathedral of Santa María de Comayagua. In 1865, during the government of General Luis Bográn, it was granted the status of municipality.

During the government of Terencio Sierra, while Juan López was the Minister of Revenue, the distribution of the Common lands and the rest of the patronage of the patron saint among the commoners was carried out, generating disputes among its residents. In 1903, the church was reconstructed and a bell tower was added.

In 1924, the last battle of the Honduran civil war took place, involving the loyal forces to the Minister of War, General Gregorio Ferrera, against the government forces of the President of the Republic, General Vicente Tosta Carrasco.

In 1934, President Doctor Vicente Mejía Colindres inaugurated two schools, one for girls and one for boys.

In 1954, 1973, and 2008, there were floods caused by the Cance or Ganzo River, which destroyed parts of the town.

In 1993, a series of problems began with the Guatemalan-born priest Eduardo Velásquez, who was accused of 9 crimes.


  • Ajuterique
  • El Misterio
  • Playitas
  • San Antonio del Playón
  • San Rafael
  • Aldea El Sifón
  • El Pacon
  • Los Terreros
  • Playoncito

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