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Municipality of Morazan

Morazán is a municipality in the Department of Yoro in Honduras.


The municipality borders the municipality of Tela to the north, the municipality of Victoria to the south, the municipality of Yoro to the east, and the municipality of El Negrito to the west.

Historical Facts

It is known that in ancient times, the inhabitants of the current town lived in a place located three kilometers away, which was called Toledo. Soon, the inhabitants moved to the location where the population is currently located and named it Cataguana, as it appears in the population census of 1801, as part of the Yoro Subdelegation. In the 1887 census, it already appears as a municipality.


The municipality includes the following 25 villages: Morazán, Agua Blanca, Buena Vista, Candelaria, Caridad, Cuyamapa, Chililenga, El Filón del Porvenir, La Bolsita, La Cruz, La Estancia, Lempira, Los Prietos or San Martín, Mango Seco, Mojimán, Nombre de Dios, Nueva Esperanza, Nueva Florida, Ocote Paulino, Paya, Portillo González, Rompidos or Los Lirios de Guayma, San Antonio or Palmar, San Juan de Camalote, and San Rafael de Aguacatales.

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