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Municipality of Nueva Armenia

It is a municipality in the department of Francisco Morazán, in the Republic of Honduras.

It was originally a village in the Coyolar Valley of Sabanagrande until January 2, 1856, when it was given the status of a municipality and became known as Nueva Armenia.

In 1879, the municipality was abolished and it became an auxiliary of San Buenaventura. It is unknown when it regained its status as a municipality, but in the political division of 1889, it appears as one of the municipalities in the district of Sabanagrande.

General Information of Nueva Armenia

Origin of its name: Its original name was due to the abundance of the «corozo» palm tree in the region.

  • Territorial area: 168.81 km2
  • Population: 2,170 inhabitants (2012)
  • Date of creation: January 2, 1856
  • Feria patronal: June 2, in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
  • Villages and hamlets: 6 villages and 59 hamlets.
  • Elevation: 630 meters above sea level.

Principal Economic Activity:

Cultivation of basic grains, sugarcane, coffee, watermelon, melon, and vegetables; raising of cattle, horses, sheep, and pigs; poultry farming.


  • Health: 1 CESAMO.
  • Education: 20 centers of basic education, 1 center of pre-basic education, and 1 center of secondary education.


Located in the southeastern part of the department and surrounded by hills.


  • North: Municipalities of San Buenaventura and Maraita;
  • South: Municipalities of San Isidro (Choluteca) and Soledad (El Paraíso);
  • East: Municipalities of Texíguat and Yauyupe (both in El Paraíso);
  • West: Municipality of Sabanagrande.

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