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Economy of Valle de Angeles

The economy of Valle de Angeles in its beginnings was marked by mining, over the years that changed as it became stronger on tourism, handicrafts, food sales among others.

Today its economy is more diversified since the community has been growing allowing the entry of financial institutions (banks, cooperatives, etc.), media and other types of businesses.

OTOP Project (One Town One Product)

It is a project sponsored by the government of Taiwan with the objective of generating and strengthening the business and craft capacities of the organizations that represent the productive sector of Valle de Ángeles, in order to increase the levels of internal and external tourism, taking advantage of the diversities environmental, cultural and geographic of Honduras.

In turn expect the following results:

  • Establish the brand image, to strengthen the local charm.
  • Promote employment and prosperity of the local economy.
  • Promote service standards to improve management.
  • Expand the tourism market and increase revenue.

The pilot project is currently being carried out in Valle de Angeles and is focused on the pottery industry.
Periodic contests are held to evaluate and motivate the artisans participating in the project.

Other services

Water service:

The drinking water supply system of the city of Valle de Ángeles is quite complete. The entire population of the urban area of ​​the municipality has access to drinking water service. There are six water sources that supply the three water systems, which are described below: Quebrada La Francisco, Quebrada Martitas, Quebrada El Zuizo, Quebrada La Cartuchera, Quebrada Los Matasanos and Quebrada Los Cutes.

Electric energy service:

Valle de Ángeles currently has 80% coverage of the population that has electricity service. The population of the communities of Buena Vista, El Guayabo and Guanacaste do not have this service.

Sewer Service:

The sanitary sewer system of the city of Valle de Angeles is in charge of the «Municipal Division of Water and Sanitation», which manages the water system and the public sewer system.

The urban area of the city of Valle de Ángeles has a public sanitary sewage system in 90% of the city, the rest of the population has toilets or latrines connected to a septic tank as a sanitation system. For wastewater treatment, there are no oxidation ponds or any wastewater treatment system, all wastewater is discharged into the river.

Telephone service:

In the urban case of Valle de Ángeles, there is a telephone service provided by the Honduran Telecommunications Company (HONDUTEL), with a fixed telephone coverage of approximately 3,000 subscribers and is currently being expanded to the Villas del Carmelo neighborhoods, a closed circuit in the El Zarzal neighborhood. The villages that have the HONDUTEL service are: El Retiro, Cerro Grande, and La Cañada. Hondutel’s “OYE” telephones are also available in different communities in Valle de Ángeles.

Due to cell phone coverage by TIGO and CLARO, the demand for community phones has been declining. The Tigo company provides community telephone service and fixed telephony, this service being preferred by the residents due to the speed of its installation and the ease of obtaining a line.

Internet service:

Currently there are three private Internet cafes that provide this internet service in the municipality, but their use has decreased since since 2012 Hondutel has provided the ADSL service and the cell phone companies the wireless Internet service.

Transport service:

Tegucigalpa-Valle de Angeles transportation is offered by several local companies with schedules during the day every week and intervals of one hour. Travel time is between 35 and 45 minutes by bus. The «rapiditos» buses are boarded in the parking lot of the Puma Gas Station, in front of the San Felipe Hospital in Tegucigalpa.

Financial services:

In the urban area there are 2 cooperatives. 3 bank agencies and two ATMs.

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