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Municipality of Marcovia

It is a municipality of the Department of Choluteca, in the Republic of Honduras.

Its original name was «Pueblo Nuevo.» In 1882, President Marco Aurelio Soto elevated the village of Pueblo Nuevo to the category of municipality, naming it Marcovia due to its strategic location on the road from the port of Amapala to the city of Choluteca.

General Information about Marcovia

Origin of its name: From the name of the leader Marco, and Villa which means «house or estate.»

  • Territorial area: 482.50 km2
  • Population: 49,820 inhabitants (2012)
  • Date of creation: 1882
  • Patron saint festival: August 15, day of the Virgin of the Transit.
  • Villages and hamlets: 20 villages and 140 hamlets.
  • Altitude: 9 meters above sea level.

Main economic activity

Cultivation of sugarcane, forage sorghum, melon, sweet peppers, coffee, coconut, and staple grains; fishing and shrimp farming; raising of cattle, pigs, and horses; poultry and rabbit farming.


  • Health: 8 health centers, 3 maternity hospitals, and 1 medical specialty center.
  • Education: 12 community centers for pre-basic education, 8 basic education centers, 3 face-to-face secondary education centers, 45 primary education centers, and 37 kindergartens.


It is located southwest of the department in the coastal plain of the Pacific, sharing part of the Gulf coastline with the municipality of Choluteca. Its headquarters is located east of the Grande or Choluteca River.


  • North: Municipalities of Choluteca and San Lorenzo (Valle)
  • South: Gulf of Fonseca
  • East: Municipality of Choluteca
  • West: Gulf of Fonseca.

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