Guacamaya Fest Honduras – 2024

In Honduras, every 28th of June commemorates the Day of the National Bird of Honduras, and to celebrate it in Copán Ruinas, the Guacamaya Fest takes place.
A 3-day celebration of music, art, and local cuisine that marks the annual release of Red Macaws, raised in nests throughout the town with the sponsorship of various companies. This year, the celebration of the Tenth Release of Red Macaws will take place from June 23 to 25, 2023.
Year after year, in collaboration with Macaw Mountain Bird Park, this event of special importance that promotes identity and values for the preservation of the Red Macaw, seeks to restore macaw and parrot populations so that they can fly freely in the Copán Valley designated as the «Sacred Valley of the Red Macaw.»
More information about Guacamaya Fest