Leer en EspañolHonduras has a rich Biodiversity, there are more than 700 species of birds and plants, as well as a variety of insects and mammals.

Lancetilla Botanical Garden
In 1925 Dr. Wilson Popenoe created the unique Lancetilla Botanical Garden in Honduras and one of the largest in all of Latin America
Black-Chested Spiny-Tailed Iguana – Ctenosaura melanosterna
This species of lizard is known as the black-breasted or spiny-tailed iguana. It is an endemic species of Honduras.
Endemic Species of Honduras
Emerald ColibriJamo or Black IguanaPink boaOlive Ridley TurtleArmadillo or CosucoTapir or DantoWhite BatAmphilophus hogaboomorumCrystal ButterflyGreater Green MacawList of Protected Areas and Parks of Honduras
Honduras has a natural wealth and a very varied Biodiversity where you can find Reserves from mountains, valleys and beaches in both seas.
Historically, the process of creating protected areas in Honduras originates in 1952, with the declaration of the San Juancito Forest Reserve as the first protected area in the country (today La Tigra National Park).
Flora and Fauna of Atlántida
In the area of the department of Atlántida there are 13 types of ecosystems, the predominant one being the tropical broadleaf forest, which is characterized by high biodiversity of flora and fauna.

The Emerald Hummingbird of Honduras
It is an endemic and unique species in Honduras. Its natural habitats are dry forests and tropical or subtropical shrublands.

The Pink Boa of Cayos Cochinos
It is one of the Endemic Species of Honduras, a family of the Boa Constrictor that is found in northern Honduras in Cayos Cochinos.

Tapir or Danto in Hondurass
The Danto or Tapir as it is known in Honduras is a mammal that is part of our Honduran fauna. It is from the genus of perissodactyl mammals of the Tapiridae family. Tapirus bairdii
Lancetilla Botanical Garden
The Lancetilla Botanical Garden is the only botanical garden in Honduras and one of the largest in all of Latin America.
The year 1925 was the year of the birth of Lancetilla, when Dr. Wilson Popenoe, commissioned by the United Fruit Company, chose the Lancetilla valley as the most suitable in terms of different types of soils and variety of microclimates, to install a research base to study banana diseases and analyze the most viable methods for growing other tropical fruit plants.

Wildlife in Honduras
Honduras has several protected areas and thanks to its rich biodiversity the fauna is very varied and rich in small animals and others.

Flora en Honduras
The flora of Honduras is very varied, the rainforest or pluvioselva, also classified as Tropical Rainforest. Ecologists call it the "Megathermal Hygrophilous Formation."