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Department of Lempira

Lempira is a department of the Republic of Honduras.

Origin of its name: as a tribute to the Lenca cacique, Lempira who defended territoriality against the Spanish conquest.

Map of the Department of Lempira
Map of the Department of Lempira

Important facts about Lempira

Department Head: Thank you
Land surface: 4228 km2
Administrative Code: 13
Population: 323,520 inhabitants (2011)
Population density: 77 inhab/km2
Date Created: June 28, 1825

History of Lempira

Lempira was founded on June 28, 1825. Previously, this department belonged to the territory of Gracias as part of the first territorial organization of Honduras in 1536. The name of the department is a tribute to the indigenous hero Lempira who originated from this place.

The first settlers arrived like the other inhabitants of the American continent in various migrations, settling in western Honduras and considering the Lenca ethnic group as the most numerous and extensive in that area of the territory. At the time of contact, the records of the Spanish chroniclers located them in the geopolitical territoriality of the province of Cerquín.

The Lenca group was subdivided into Lenca Lenca, Lenca Potón, Lenca Care and Lenca Cerquín; The members of this last subgroup led the resistance in the Spanish conquest process where the indigenous cacique Lempira stood out, who, like other indigenous chiefs such as Cicumba, Socremba and Copán Galel, resisted the conquest process in colonial Honduras, in honor of This Lenca warrior is given the name of the department, whose antecedents go back to the department of Gracias, created on June 28, 1825 in the first division of the departments of the state of Honduras.

In 1943, by means of a legislative decree, the name of Gracias was changed to that of Lempira.

Geography of Lempira

The department of Lempira has an area of 4,228 square kilometers and is located in western Honduras.

  • North: Department of Santa Barbara
  • South: Republic of El Salvador
  • East: Department of Intibucá
  • West: Departments of Copán and Ocotepeque.

Municipalities of Lempira

See List of Municipalities of Honduras

  1. Gracias 1301 Cabecera Departamental
  2. Belén 1302
  3. Candelaria 1303
  4. Cololaca 1304
  5. Erandique 1305
  6. Gualcince 1306
  7. Guarita 1307
  8. La Campa 1308
  9. La Iguala 1309
  10. Las Flores 1310
  11. La Unión 1311
  12. La Virtud 1312
  13. Lepaera 1313
  14. Mapulaca 1314
  15. Piraera 1315
  16. San Andrés 1316
  17. San Francisco 1317
  18. San Juan Guarita 1318
  19. San Manuel Colohete 1319
  20. San Rafael 1320
  21. San Sebastián 1321
  22. Santa Cruz 1322
  23. Talgua 1323
  24. Tambla 1324
  25. Tomalá 1325
  26. Valladolid 1326
  27. Virginia 1327
  28. San Marcos de Caiquín 1328

Rivers: Tejocote, Higuito, Jicatuyo, Curicunque, Conchagua, Cuacamara, Campuca, Oromilaca, Arsilaca, Arcagual, Mocal, Guarajambala.

Protected areas: National Park, Celaque; wildlife refuge, Puca and Montaña Verde.

Mountains: Puca Opalaca, Celaque.

Mountains: Puca, Joconal Cololaca, El Sirin, Guarilaca, Cedros Verde, Ojuera, Agua Fria, Peleo, Lempira, Azacualpa, Congolón, Cerros Coyucutena and Cerquin.

Fauna and Flora of Lempira

Mammals: shrew, squirrel, coatis, guazalo, skunk, raccoon, deer, tepezcuintle, bob pig, coyote, fox, wild cat, puma, ocelot, and jaguar.

Avijauna: woodpecker, oak pheasant, ocotera pigeon, roadrunner or dog soul, magpie, grackle, quail, torcasa, parakeet, tarragon or guardabarranco, mockingbird, goldfinch, hawk, bearded vulture, owl and osprey.

Flora: Forests of pine, fir, oak, cedar, mahogany, and broadleaf forest.

Economy of Lempira

Business: Thank you, Las Flores and Lepaera

The economy of the department of Lempira is based on agriculture. coffee, corn, rice, tobacco are among other products; fundamental part of the daily activities of this department.

Cultivation of basic grains, coffee, sugar cane and plantain; raising cattle, horses, pigs and sheep.

Lempira Tourism

  1. Hot springs of Gracias
  2. Festival Convoca
  3. Festival of the Choro

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