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Map of the Department of La Paz

Map of the Department of La Paz

The Department of La Paz is located in the southwestern part of the country. It has a territorial area of ​​2,525 km².

The reasons that influence the creation of the department of La Paz were largely due to the lack of attention of the authorities of Comayagua to the peoples of that jurisdiction, a situation that allowed the autonomy of the local authorities.


  • North: Department of Comayagua
  • South: Department of Valle and the Republic of El Salvador
  • East: Departments of Comayagua and Francisco Morazán
  • West: Department of Intibucá.


See List of Municipalities of Honduras

  1. La Paz (departmental capital)
  2. Aguanqueterique
  3. Cabañas
  4. Cane
  5. Chinacla
  6. Guajiquiro
  7. Lauterique
  8. Marcala
  9. Mercedes de Oriente
  10. Opatoro
  11. San Antonio del Norte
  12. San José
  13. San Juan
  14. San Pedro de Tutule
  15. Santa Ana
  16. Santa Elena
  17. Santa María
  18. Santiago de Puringla
  19. Yarula

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